Think drinking water isn't important in your weight loss efforts? Think again. We all know the importance of diet and exercise but what about hydration? The human body is approximately 80% water, if you intend to improve your body, you need to remember the basics.
The average person needs to drink about 2L [64oz] of water a day. If you drink coffee [or other heavily caffeinated drinks such as Coke or Pepsi] you should add an extra glass of water for every glass you have. There are other variables you need to consider as well, such as people who live in hotter climates will need to drink more then the base 2 litres a day then someone living in a colder region.
If you are walking or doing exercise like cardio or weights you need to be increasing your water intake. The sweat produced from these activities helps keep your core body temperature constant, you need to replace the water used. Basically the more you do the more water you need to keep hydrated.
But be careful
It is possible to drink too much water - you can get 'water intoxication' [that can lead to death] In the US, college students were dying as they were consuming mass amounts [gallons] of water as part of some frat initiations. Some symptoms of too much water are: dizziness, nausea, apathy, vomiting, and confusion [much the same as dehydration so you need to be aware of how much you are actually drinking]. The excess water dilutes the salt content in the blood which can result in serious problems, including death.
Remember you also get water from most fruits and veggies as well as other foods not just drinking actual water
Personally, Ive noticed when I've drunk too much water I tend to feel very bloated and sluggish. I noticed this when I was drinking "8 cups a day", hence why I now carry a water bottle instead, I'll just take a sip now and then rather then force myself to drink cup/s of water. Listen to YOUR body - it'll let you know when you've havent had enough or too much.
Dont like the taste of water?
Then try adding a little twist to it. Add some lemon or lime juice into your water [freshly squeezed is the best] it will add a little flavour to the water and can help if you are used to drinking flavoured drinks.
Not enough for you?
Still not convinced that drinking water is good for you? Then have a look at these other great benefits:
Water contains no calories [flavoured water - ie sports water, added lemon juice - does contain some calories, check the Nutritional Info on the bottle.]
Drinking water also helps the skin look great. It can help keep you looking more youthful and helps with its elasticity which is really good for those trying to lose weight.
Keeping hydrated helps keep your hair looking healthy.
And finally, drinking more water can help boost your energy levels.
Chyna Dolores is an author on http://www.Writing.Com which is a site for Creative Writing. You can view her personal work at
Reuters - General Motors Corp. is developing a plan to fire up to 5,000 salaried employees as it tries to cut costs by a March 31 deadline to keep $13.4 billion in U.S. government aid, according to a Bloomberg report.
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