Fast Weight Loss

Monday, March 30, 2009

Abdominal Weight Loss... Losing Fat From Your Middle

As an exercise guru once stated, "Everyone's got Ab's you jus' need to show em". From the frantic efforts in gyms and obsessions with the so elusive six pack, it seems many never quite got what he meant.

The most noticeable part of a fat person is quite often the stomach but its disadvantage is much more than cosmetic. And apart from being concerned about the loss of aesthetics, it is also reasonable to get concerned of a fat midsection

A fat abdomen not only results to larger pant sizes, it is also a serious health issue. It points to your state of degenerating health. Accumulation of body fat mainly around your midsection (commonly referred to as apple shaped, as opposed to pear shaped that has fat around hips, buttocks and thighs) is more dangerous than any other fat distribution. It is associated with increased risk of heart disease, Type II diabetes and other diseases that often accompany obesity.

However the notion that you can lose fat specifically from the stomach area only is unfounded. Spot weight reduction is really a myth. You just cannot loss weight from one specific area of the body. A good example of how one loses body fat is given by the fat-loss expert and body builders, Tom Venuto.

He explains losing fat is like empting a swimming pool. The last part of the pool to get covered by water when filling it up will be the first part of the pool to show up when emptying it. On the contrary the first part of the pool, the deep end, which fills up first, will be the last place to empty.

Another example would be the loading of a truck container with sacks of potatoes. The first sacks to go into the container will be at the furthest end. The last sacks would be closest to the door. On unloading the first sacks to be loaded will be the first to be unloaded while the first to be loaded will be the last to be unloaded.

Similarly in losing weight the last place you deposited fat will be the first place you lose in. And the first place you deposited fat will be the last place to lose it.

Unfortunately, for most of us, the first place we deposit fat is in the abdominal area. This is particularly so for men. Women tend to have first deposits in thighs and hip area also. This distribution of body fat then translates to mean that abdominal fat is usually the last body fat to be lost.

Though this is roughly the way the body distributes fat, obviously it is not as simple. Your body does not store fat at the abdomen and say, Ahha! That's full, lets' start depositing in the under arms. But on the other hand, it doesn't necessarily distribute body fat equally around the body. Depending on your genetics the body will deposit fat in different parts and at different rates. Often some part will have more deposits than others. However you will rarely see a fat person who does not have a large abdomen.

To see your abdominal muscles you will need to cut down on your total body fat. More crunches will just not do it. Yes the crunches do develop the muscles, unfortunately they will still be under two inches of sub-cuteneous fat. And most likely a one pack was not exactly your idea of attractive.

Mark Kimathi writes about weight loss on topics like celebrity diets such as Anna Nicole Smith weight loss at

Fish for sale are piled on ice at a local fish market in Miami, Florida. Taking supplements of Omega-3, the fatty acids found in fish, showed no added benefits for heart attack patients, a German study found, contradicting previous research.(AFP/File/Roberto Schmidt)AP - Heart attack patients who are already taking the right medicines to prevent future problems get no added benefit from taking fish oil capsules, a large study in Germany finds.

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Water = Weight Loss

The equation is simple and the result it clear, yet this statement seems like it cannot possibly be true. But you are overlooking a fact proven by scientists and people across the world. The substance that makes up over 70% of your body is also your free ticket to fast and easy weight loss.

Water is a beautiful thing. It regulates your body processes such as urination and digestion, and it helps give you energy to bend your arms, walk down the street, or drive your car. It is the reason you are alive; you can't go three days without it. But how much water do you really drink? Take a quick second to think back on how often you drink water. I am confident to say that there is an excellent chance you are too busy to drink water as much as you should. Do you drink your body weight in ounces each day? If you answer no, this is exactly why you are not losing weight.

Starting today, take your weight in pounds, lets say it is 180, and that is how many ounces of water you should be drinking everyday (180 ounces). All this water works 3 specific wonders in helping you lose weight. First, it flushes out all the bad nutrients you eat and drink and regulates this waste. Second, it whets your overly hungry appetite and eliminates the many false notions of hunger you have. Finally and most importantly, it raises your resting metabolic rate, BMR, by giving you more energy, and it makes you burn calories while sitting at your desk or sleeping at night. Over the course of the next couple weeks, all these water drinking qualities translate into numerous lost pounds of fat all because you decided to drink water.

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HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Depression affects more than 6 million people aged 65 or older in the United States, but only about 10 percent of them are treated, the Cleveland Clinic says.

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The Truth About Green Tea Weight Loss

Green tea is now used in many health products globally. Primarily it is known for the benefits it provides as an antioxidant, but has many other positive health properties. Green tea weight loss extracts can be consumed in many ways including as regular tea plus it can be purchased in liquid or tablet form but whichever way it is used it has an excellent record as a calorie burner.

Although known more for its weight loss properties, extended use has other beneficial affects by slowing the oxidation process of our cells to reduce the signs of aging. With weight loss however, both the laxative effects and anti-oxidant abilities are used to help improve the metabolism. The product increases the metabolic rate and the number of calories burnt so less fatty tissue forms.

The wonders of green tea weight loss health products will not work alone and require the commitment of the user to exercise and eat healthily. For it to work, adjustments to diet and mental attitude are necessary for a person to become healthier, it is not just a case of losing weight.

When prepared as infusion, green tea should be used in the evening before going to bed. It is quite normal for most people to find they're stomach and bowel upset during the first few days after using the product but this should not last much longer than this. By making adjustments to the metabolic rate, the body will not retain toxins long enough to enter the blood; this is how green tea weight loss products work. If you maintain other parts of your diet; exercise, plenty of liquids and vegetables, results of using it can be seen within a week.

One very successful combination of green tea products is that which includes ginseng root extract. Considered to be the root of life in China and Tibet, ginseng root brings the vitamin and mineral supplement the body needs during a detoxification period.

Getting back to a normal weight can be stressful but the addition of ginseng to the green tea helps provide extra energy and fortification by assisting your body's own immune system. Both ginseng and green tea have excellent safety records even when the diet lasts up to 26 weeks.

Visit this link to find more useful green tea weight loss tips.

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What is the Weight Loss Truth About - "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" ebook?

Is there anything to not like about Tom Venuto's book?

There are two things: One is the information overload you will feel from digesting all the detailed information he presents. It really requires some weeks to understand it all, and more weeks to put it into action. Secondly, by following his advice, you will see your eating habits change as your diet changes, which will cause remarks from your spouse or friends. Some negative and some positive remarks. You will have to toughen up inside a little to weather those remarks and not let them affect you. Some of them will come from jealousy as they see your weight loss begin. As you eat different foods than they do, they will notice it and make remarks about it. Just stand up for yourself and the plan you are on. You have Tom's excellent guide to back you up in any discussion of the merits of your weight loss plan. There are no "lose 30 lbs in 30 days" grandiose claims in this sold hitting book.

Tom Venuto's ebook "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" is probably the most complete, detailed and precise guide through the maze of the diet-fads and supplements industry ever written.
It is astonishing the depth of detail he explains in his expose of the diet-fads game and the mistruths of the supplements industry being played out in their misleading advertising.

The attention he gives every facet for successful weight loss is amazing. A high protein diet? He explains it. A low carb diet? He explains it. A high fat diet? He explains it. How is your metabolism affected and what is the ratio of carbs to fats to to proteins you need? He explains it.

Tom is a professional body builder with 14 years in the industry studying everything from proper foods to eat, proper exercises, supplements, protein powders, sleep requirements, and so much more.

Add to all that, four hard years of studying "the science of exercise' at the University to earn his B.S. degree, and you have a man who knows all about his subject and lays it on the line in as truthful a manner as possible.

If there is any fault to 'Burn the Fat', it might be said there is almost too much information for one to take in all at once. That's because Tom believes in telling the whole story to you and he subscribes to over-delivery so his audience knows he told them the whole story.

Indeed, at "337 pages", Tom's book is 5 times longer than the average eBook. You really get your "money's worth" with Tom's book, so much more so than the average eBook of about 35-65 pages.

And if that wasn't enough value already, he throws in several other [free eBooks] about nutrition and exercise that is worth value to help you on your journey to taming that weight loss problem finally and for good. All this for only $39.95 is a steal in my book.

I have bought several eBooks of only 35 pages for $27 that were not 25% the value of Tom's fantastic book.

You want more you say? You want a guarantee before you buy it? Ok, you got it.

Tom knows his weight loss eBook is so far ahead of any similar book on the market, that he gives you a full [2 month guarantee] to read it, evaluate it, try out his plans and suggestions. If you really feel it has not helped you lose weight and learn to control your eating and exercise habits, you can return it for a full refund. This is a much better guarantee than the average ebook that only gives you 30 days to return it. (*) You cannot lose any money at all on Tom Venuto's amazing ebook that 'exposes' all the myths about the diet-fads and supplements industry.

"Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle" and its accompanying [free volumes] is worth the low price easily.
You just have to make a commitment to sit down and read it. I would suggest you do not try to do it all in one evening. It would best be read in 3-4 different sittings, maybe taking notes on your favorite chapters or highlighting them. You won't feel info overload that way. Your mind will have time to digest the parts and your memory will absorb more that way.

I have already lost 7 lbs around the middle, changed my eating habits, and feel much better for the changes. I'm working on the rest of it, a little at a time.

I highly recommend Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle'"eBook on weight loss-control.

Wishing you success as I have found with Tom's great book.
To read more and get your own copy, visit:
Jesse Springfield.

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Depression affects more than 6 million people aged 65 or older in the United States, but only about 10 percent of them are treated, the Cleveland Clinic says.

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Safe Weight Loss Tips

Usually when people wish to loose weight, they start by reducing the amount of food they eat.
Off course this may work for a while, but it is not a lasting solution to walk around being hungry all the time. And if you are not careful and thorough with what you do eat, you could end up with some vitamin deficiency that is unhealthy. Instead of you going about this in the wrong way, read these weight loss tips, and start loosing those excess pounds in a safe and healthy way.

It is a common belief that in order to loose weight, you need to eat fewer calories. This misunderstanding probably comes from the adverse selections of low fat, low calorie foods in the supermarkets. In fact this is not good at all, because even though the decrease in calorie intake will start the body burning that excess fat, it will also result in fatigue, weakness and perhaps illness. This is because burning fat requires a lot of energy, and the lessened amounts of food and calories, does not support fat burning.

The body will not only be burning fat this way, it will also start eating away at the lean muscle, which weight losers usually want to keep in place. And when you begin eating again, the weight will return rather fast, but this time it will be all fat, the muscle will be gone forever. OK, perhaps not forever, but you will have to work for the muscles to return. Most people know that fat weighs more than muscle, and when you think about it, it is pretty obvious, that even if you only gain back what you lost in the terms of weight, you will look fatter, as fat weighs less than muscle.

Instead you should be eating smaller meals, more frequently, and that way keep your metabolism working hard at digesting your food intake, and burning more energy than what you put in. But this time in a positive way, that leaves the muscles in place.

More Weight Loss Tips - Training and Exercise Burns Muscle

When your muscles work hard, they burn a lot of calories, and this is a safe and secure way to loose weight. And well trained muscles actually also burns calories when resting and regenerating after a workout. So the sheer fact of doing some weights or other muscle building workout will actually be a weight loss cure in itself. Even if you did not become thinner, you would weigh less as the fat turned into lean muscle mass.

Cardio training is excellent for weight loss, and also for the heart. When you do cardio workout, you raise your pulse, and as a result, your blood flows faster through your body, thereby deliver more oxygen to the muscles, which in turn helps them increase and burn fat. If you really want to combine these to kinds of training, you should try getting a treadmill, and walk on it, while it is inclined 15 to 20 degrees. This is excellent cardio workout, and muscle training of the legs, in one workout, and it can be done to music or TV if you like.

Following these simple weight loss tips will help you get in better shape, at the same time as you are losing weight. When you begin to eat more frequent meals, work your muscles, and get your heart pumping, you are giving your physiology a run fir its money, and that is a healthy way top start burning that fat away.

These weight loss tips will both help you loose weight, and at the same time gain energy. If you want a more specific scheme for what you should eat, and at what times, please go to:

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Physical fitness programs in schools improve many aspects of children's health, but they don't appear to combat obesity, a new study in the Canadian medical publication CMAJ shows.

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Diets to Lose Weight Fast? - The Best Weight Loss Diets Exposed

You have heard all the hype about the best diets to lose weight fast. Here we will compare a couple of the most talked about diets on the market then show you the best of the best.

First up we have the South Beach diet, a known cardiologist developed this diet for his patients to address heart issues. A side effect of the diet was extreme weight loss. The diet calls for an all out ban on most carbohydrates in the first stage. Banned foods would include bread, fruit, sugar, milk, potatoes, rice, and alcohol. Basically, most of the food you eat or drink. As a result, this first stage is the hardest to maintain because not only do you have to exert tremendous will power but also you are doing it while not getting the proper nutrition. In addition to no vitamins and minerals from fruit and dairy and a drastic reduction in sugar.

Next up is the Atkins diet, this is another of the low carbohydrate diets to lose weight fast. The idea was that carbohydrates caused weight gain through increased sugar in the blood and therefore increased insulin production, which forced the sugars into the cells. Therefore, if you cut the carbohydrates then weight gain ceases and weight loss begins. The down side to this is the body also loses muscle and begins to release ketones. These lead to a variety of problems such as headaches, dehydration, and dizziness and over the long-term bone density loss.

A lot of people may think that these are good diets to lose weight fast but neither of these diets are healthy or highly sustainable. What if there were a diet that provided healthy quantities and diversity of food, sufficient nutrients, and was made with foods you already eat? Plus give you an average weight loss of 6-11 pounds every eleven days, and all this while allowing you three cheat days in which you eat whatever you like?

Fat loss 4 Idiots is just such a plan. The key is balance and common sense, depriving yourself totally of any one food group or food item is really not sustainable for any length of time.

If you want a diet that consists of the types of food you like to eat in a way that sponsors weight loss and muscle retention visit this website: Fat Loss 4 Idiots

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Depression affects more than 6 million people aged 65 or older in the United States, but only about 10 percent of them are treated, the Cleveland Clinic says.

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Some Weight Loss Recipes

If you want to lose weight you can't continue eating what you've been eating before. It is obvious that you must change your diet, portion size and eating frequency. However this doesn't mean you have to eat dull, uninteresting food or be hungry all day long. There are delicious healthy recipes that you can enjoy and at the same time lose weight.

Below are some recipes to help you lose weight while enjoying your meals.


1 can of chickpeas (19oz or 540ml), rinsed and drained
1/3 cup of tahini (sesame paste) - use 1/5 cup for the weight loss purposes
Juice of freshly squeezed half lemon
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
a pinch of paprika mild

Process chickpeas with cup of spring water to puree in a blender. Add tahini, lemon juice and garlic. Mix well. Garnish the top with parsley, olive oil and paprika.

Orange drink

1 cup of orange juice
cup vanilla rice milk
2 tablespoons of soft tofu
1/3 of banana (to sweeten) or add 1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of grated orange zest
2 peeled orange segments

Mix everything together in a blender.

Roasted Eggplant

Roast the whole eggplants with skins turning them occasionally till the skin turns black. Let it cool. Peel it off and remove the darkened skin. Process in food processor till smooth.

You can add to it 1 clove of crushed garlic or 1 chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil.

Another way to serve roasted eggplants:

After roasting the eggplant, dice it into small cubes, dice 1 medium tomato and 1 medium onion, add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley and 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Mix well together and serve.

Do you need more time-proven, healthy tips to lose weight? Visit to download free weight loss reports. Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details.

Lynn Alex is a Certified Nutritional and Weight Loss Consultant, Life-Skills Coach. She is an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner.

AP - Officials are investigating a central California plant that processed pistachios tied to nationwide recalls of trail mix and bagged nuts because of possible salmonella contamination.

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