Fast Weight Loss

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pre-Wedding Weight Loss

Will you like to marry someone who is fat, has a bloating tummy and quite a few bulges on his or her body? Probably the answer will be no. So if you have the same or getting slightest of the bulges then think about how your partner is going to feel. Everyone wants their partners to look the best on the wedding party and you should be careful about the shape of your figure to keep up to their expectations. If you have already gained few extra kilos then the best way to get rid of them is following a pre wedding weight loss program.

Pre wedding weight loss is a serious concern for the over weight brides. As obesity is one of the most prevailing problems in America the pre-wedding weight loss plan happens to be very common. First of all you need to figure out a diet plan for yourself which will allow you to eat all the healthy foods that can supply you with enough nutrition that is very essential as you loose a lot of energy for the wedding preparations. The diet must not be a crash diet program where you might fall sick and eventually give up the entire plan for pre-wedding weight loss.

When ever you purchase the food items for the groceries go through the labels attached to them. These labels often show the percentage of the materials like carbohydrate, protein and fat. This is very important because when you will see that the food is high in carbohydrate or fat content you will feel guilty to buy them. Instead of those food items pick up some healthier and low calorie replacements. For an example, instead of getting a packet of sugar get some artificial sweetener that is much less in calorie count. This will play an important role in the pre-wedding weight loss.

You need to consume a lot of fruits and green vegetables if you are serious about the pre wedding weight loss program. But often people do not feel like taking fruits when they are really hungry and jump on the tastier but high calorie items. This is the reason why you need to keep your kitchen and refrigerator free from all sorts of high calorie foods. Never store cold drinks, chocolates or pastries at home giving yourself the excuse that they are for the guests. If there is someone at the door offer them healthy fruit salad and have some as well.

Many of the brides go for the diet plans which are available over the internet or look for those which have worked for their friends. But there are no such perfect pre wedding weight loss plans available which is good for everybody. So the best idea is to seek help from a nutritionist who will design a customized plan for you which will surely yield some positive results. So try the pre-wedding weight loss and look the best on the big day of your life.

Need to figure out a diet plan for pre-wedding weight loss? You are not alone, can help you to loose weight before your wedding day.

A shopper walking through the SoHo neighborhood of New York in a December 2008 photo. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)Reuters - Sales at U.S. retailers unexpectedly rebounded in January, government data showed on Thursday, but the recovery was unlikely to be sustainable as recession-hit companies continued to aggressively axe jobs.

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Weight Loss Tips - Ten Effective Solutions from a Registered Dietitian

1. Eat 5-6 small meals per day.

Your body uses physical, uncomfortable cues to guide you to action based on physiological needs. When you are thirsty, your body is telling you that you are dehydrated and you need to drink. When you have to urinate, there is an uncomfortable feeling of a full bladder, which gets worse if you do not relieve yourself. Upon receiving these cues, would you ignore them simply because you are busy? Most often, thirst and the need to urinate are acted upon immediately, so the stimulus never gets too powerful. Hunger is the body's way of telling you that you need to eat. Don't ignore it! If fact, it is best to avoid hunger all together, so you dont feel the urge to run to the refrigerator the same way you may run to the rest room when pulling over on a long car trip.

Also, since every meal should contain a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats, all the different digestion mechanisms will be activated to digest the mini-meals, which burns more calories when digesting your set number of calories.

2. Include lean protein at every meal.

Eating protein at every meal gives your body a constant supply of amino acids. When sugar is made in the body, amino acid carbon skeletons are often utilized. A diet that is higher in protein prevents the body from using your muscle stores to make sugar. Also, many studies show that diets which are moderately high in protein (~30% of calories as protein) allow for greater muscle retention during weight loss. Furthermore, protein is the most important nutrient for satiety-- you will not feel hungry as quickly. A 30% protein diet has not caused medical problems in research.

Good examples of lean protein include tilapia, skin-less chicken breast, turkey breast, 95% lean ground beef, some pork loins/chops (check nutritional info on package), 1% cottage cheese, and textured vegetable protein.

3. Eat raw, non-starchy vegetables and fruits frequently.

Always have non-starchy vegetables available for as your new "snack food." They are good for you, fill you up, and give you something to chew on when you just feel like chewing on something. Also include non-starchy vegetables at most meals; vegetables make a reduced calorie diet far more substantial.

Good examples are broccoli, collard greens, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, water chestnuts, peppers, onions, and a multitude of others.

Eat 2-3 servings of low-glycemic fruits a day. Fruits are high in antioxidants, fiber, and generally very low in calories. For example a small piece of cheap white bread has 60-80 calories-- a cup of strawberries has only 50.

Good examples of fruits that fit in this category are nectarines (~60 calories), plums (~35 calories), peaches (~65 calories), strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and apples. Remember, fresh is usually best. If you buy frozen fruits, make sure there is no added sugar.

4. Choose mostly whole grains.

The best whole grains are still completely intact and have not been processed or are minimally processed. Examples are brown rice, barley, quinoa, bulgur, and old-fashioned oats (which have been minimally processed because of the rolling). The germ (high in B vitamins and healthy fats), endosperm (carbohydrate portion), and bran (makes you regular) are all in their natural, intact forms.

5. Learn to cook and make the majority of your food at home- buy stock in tupperware.

The only way to know a food fits into your diet is if you make it! You needn't restrict yourself to exclusively broccoli and haddock (though these are both excellent foods).

Fresh herbs can be put on pretty much anything. They are absolutely wonderful and add tons of flavor without calories, fat or salt. As an added benefit, many herbs and spices have health benefits, including garlic, parsley, and turmeric. Use herbs and spices early and often. Have an "herb of the week" and put it on everything you cook. The herb will not work with everything, but you will learn how flavors blend and become a better cook.

Pick up random vegetables and look up how to prepare them online. I've discovered the joys of collard greens, fresh water chestnuts, and purple cabbage in this way.

A little salt is okay! It adds flavor without adding calories-- try adding dry soup mixes to roasted vegetables and meats.

6. When you eat out, eat a full serving of protein before leaving-- order a broth based soup without high fat meat added or a salad with all nuts, cheese, and dressings on the side.

This tip serves a couple of purposes. Firstly, the about of protein in the salad will probably be inadequate to keep you satisfied. Secondly, you will not arrive completely famished and will be able to maintain your eating plan. Request fruit, sorbet, or coffee for an after dinner treat!

7. Hide or eliminate all junk food from your kitchen and house.

It's a proven fact, if you can see it, you are more likely to eat it. It is optimal to remove these foods altogether; however, if your family will not allow you to be the nutrition police, then hide all distractors in cupboards on the highest shelf.

8. Focus on water based foods with a lot of weight, volume, and fiber.

This tip confirms the important of eating of lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, broth-based soups, and 1% or fat-free dairy. Research shows that people are likely to eat the same volume of food every day. Water adds volume to food without adding calories; hence, you can eat the same volume of food and reduce your overall calories for the day. This is why regular cheddar cheese has fewer calories per gram than dry fat-free pretzels.

9. Get moving!

Successful weight loss requires both healthy diet and exercise. If you do not exercise already, start off small-- take the stairs, park far away from building, go for a walk on a nice day! As you become used to being more active, consider formal exercise. It is most important that you find something you like to do! Try group classes or training for a race!

10. Announce goals and keep supportive company.

Announcing a goal makes it official. A goal is both specific (you are measurable a specific thing inches, weight, number of calories you will take in each day, etc.) and measurable (you give a number to say how much, time limits, etc). An example of a goal: I will take one multivitamin each morning.

Supportive company is key-- find someone who is as excited about your health and fitness goals as you are-- give them regular, but brief, updates about your progress. Explain to people who may be less supportive why weight loss is important to you. Keep a healthy and positive attitude and unsupportive people may alter their views.

Jean Jitomir is a Cornell graduate, registered dietitian, Exercise Nutrition PhD student and nationally competitive bodybuilder. She has lost over 30 lbs since she became active 5 years ago and does weight-loss counseling on a daily basis.

HealthDay - THURSDAY, Feb. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors often override electronic medication safety alerts and rely instead on their own judgment when prescribing drugs for patients, which suggests that physicians find the alerts more annoying than helpful, says a U.S. study.

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Weight Loss Surgery - Should You Consider It?

Weight, and in particular the subject of losing it, is something we are faced with every day. A little bit of extra weight may not be too difficult to lose but crunch time comes when you reach a weight where you are unable to exercise to reduce it and so the vicious circle begins. We eat because we are unhappy and we become unhappy when we are overweight.

Some may turn to surgery to shed this excess weight and this could be in the form of liposuction or one of the other types of weight loss surgery such as a gastric bypass or lap band placement (Laparoscopic band placement surgery). These options should only be considered if you are considerably overweight and they will require lifestyle changes to compliment them in terms of your dietary requirements and exercise routines. This is important if you want to maintain the weight loss you experience.

You can expect to lose between 50-60% of your excess weight within a couple of years if you opt for a bypass or gastric banding. Both of these procedures create a small stomach pouch so you feel fuller much more quickly. With a gastric bypass you have the added advantage of cutting out a portion of the small intestine which reduces the nutrient absorption which takes place here. If you imagine a section at the top of the stomach being sealed off and, quite literally, a bypass being taken from here to part way along the small intestine, then you can see how it will help to decrease the amount of food you can eat and the calories you absorb.

Some weight related conditions can be improved by these surgical procedures such as weight related diabetes, severe arthritis and high blood pressure so they are certainly worth considering.

If you consider any of the weight loss procedures available in the cosmetic surgery industry today you should make sure you use an accredited surgeon. The 2 main British authorities are BAAPS - the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and BAPRAS - the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. There are many companies that can be found widely on the internet who do not have any accreditation and therefore may not have surgeons with the correct level of qualifications and experience. It is extremely important to know that you are in safe hands when it comes to any cosmetic surgery procedure.

If you find a surgeon you are happy with you can undergo weight loss surgery such as lap band surgery with confidence. With any form of cosmetic surgery you should always spend time researching the company you are thinking of using.

AP - Marlboro, the cigarette favored by adults, is also the runaway favorite of teens who regularly smoke, according to a new federal report released Thursday.

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Weight Loss Options - Hundreds on the Internet Alone

Hypnosis weight loss in your town is probable as it is more popular and one of the top three things a hypnotist / hypnotherapist does for work, weight loss, smoking cessation and stress reduction. But what are the odds it will be a good program and work for you? That's an entirely different story. Best to gather as much information you can on the person, their work and success. Ask questions, search the internet, look for endorsements and testimonials, etc.

The cool part about making the healthy behavior changes we need in the area of weight loss, a weight loss tape, or audio CD or digital download, is a great way to start. You can use it in your own home, experience the simple process hypnosis really is and see how far you can get with something that's more general in the way of a weight loss tape. The if there is resistance and you need to get to the next level, individual office sessions will be even better as you have been priming yourself with the weight loss tape.

People all around the world are looking for weight loss help. Yes, we in America are at the top of the list of overweight countries but that doesn't mean people aren't concerned. People around the world want to be healthy and as more and more harmful fat causing food is created and sold, the more of a weight problem there will be. I'm not sure becoming more Western in your culture is always a good thing. You may be surprised how many people seek weight loss help every day.

It may be difficult to believe after all that testing and not finding it but there really is a way for easy weight loss. Think about what we call weight loss and dieting. Think about why the programs seem to fail regardless of what attitude you bring to the table, all pumped up and ready to lose that weight. But it just doesn't seem to work, you have no follow through or you cry uncle after the first week or two. But easy weight loss is possible and it all begins in your head.

Have you ever met anyone who doesn't need help with weight loss? There are those people, though few out of the group, who seem to be able to decide to lose weight, they do it and then all is fine. Ahhggg!! Where do they come from? That's just not normal. Where's the struggle, the tears, the self pity and ultimate throwing in of the towel and quitting yet another amazing weight loss plan? You know what I mean? Sure, most of us need help with weight loss and there is something very cool and helpful.

There are hundreds of weight loss programs on the internet today. If you are looking Hypnosis Weight Loss In... your area, please visit our web site.

Reuters - Illegal anti-impotence drugs and herbs contaminated with the diabetes drug glyburide have caused some 150 cases of dangerously low blood sugar, researchers in Singapore reported on Wednesday.

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