Fast Weight Loss

Saturday, February 21, 2009

List of Weight Loss Tips to Follow

Losing some healthy pounds can really change the way our body looks. But to lose those healthy pounds, we have to make continuous efforts and follow a healthy diet with exercise for some months at least. Although I have so far shared lots of weight loss tips with you on my fast weight loss blog, but today post is going to share some proven weight loss tips that an average person can implement in his/her daily life and make a big difference in his/her body look. So here is the list of weight loss tips to follow to lose some healthy pounds:

  1. Studies show that drinking high amount of water promotes weight loss. One should aim at drinking 8 10 glasses of pour water per day. You know 70 percent of our body weight is made of water only. And water plays a big role in the functionality of everything in our body together with metabolism and muscles.
  2. Some people have the idea that skip breakfast will help to lose weight. This idea is totally wrong. Never skip your breakfast. If you skip breakfast, you end up eating lots of unhealthy stuff during the day.
  3. Take small and frequent meals during the day. Make it a habit to eat five to six small meals in a day. This way you will be eating some healthy food after a gap of 2-3 hours. But keep your calories consumption within limits. Your calorie intake should not exceed the amount of calorie you burn.
  4. Do not forget to include high amount of proteins in your diet. Eating high amount of proteins will bring big changes in your body and its really easy to implement.
  5. You need to cut their sugar intake as a way to lose weight. If you go for sugar free versions of everything you drink, please check the amount of calories you will be able to save.
  6. Including high amount of fiber in your diet is a good idea. When you have included fiber in your diet, you dont feel hungry for longer interval of time. It also helps in keeping our system clean and we feel better.
  7. If you are finding it hard to get time for running and exercising at home, best idea will be to join a gym youre your house. And if you can afford to pay some money, you can think of hiring a personal trainer that can properly guide you about the ways to lose weight in a healthy way.

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